Stacje pogodowe

Producer: CET
The weather stations we offer have various functions, from climate monitoring to monitoring shrub crowns and insects, and can be combined with different sensors according to your specific
Producer: CET
LWS is Leaf Wetness Sensor, its main features are:
- It works using surface electrical capacitive variations due to the presence of liquid water. It is less sensitive to chemical residues
Producer: CET
Reliable volumetric moisture sensor for soil and artificial cultivation substrates. Main features: Accuracy: 3%, 1% with specific soil calibration.
Suitable for professional usage and
You don't know what product
to choose?
Contact us now!
Our expert will advise you!
Seweryn Fabijaniak
Certified Oenologist, a graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, an expert in the production technology of wines, juices, meads and many other drinks. An experienced advisor in the field of design and machinery of broadly understood fruit and vegetable processing plants.